21 For a blameless man hasted to be their champion: Bringing the weapon of his own ministry, Even prayer and the propitiation of incense, He withstood the indignation, and set an end to the calamity, Shewing that he was your servant.
22 And he overcame the anger, Not by strength of body, not by efficacy of weapons; But by word did he subdue the minister of punishment, By bringing to remembrance oaths and covenants made with the fathers.
23 For when the dead were already fallen in heaps one upon another, Standing between he stopped the advancing wrath, And cut off the way to the living.
24 For upon his long high-priestly robe was the whole world, And the glories of the fathers were upon the graving of the four rows of precious stones, And your majesty was upon the diadem of his head.