31 Every day do I die, by the glorying of you that I have in Christ Jesus our Lord:
32 if after the manner of a man with wild beasts I fought in Ephesus, what the advantage to me if the dead do not rise? let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die!
33 Be not led astray; evil communications corrupt good manners;
34 awake up, as is right, and sin not; for certain have an ignorance of God; for shame to you I say [it].
35 But some one will say, `How do the dead rise?
36 unwise! thou--what thou dost sow is not quickened except it may die;
37 and that which thou dost sow, not the body that shall be dost thou sow, but bare grain, it may be of wheat, or of some one of the others,