23 for passing through and contemplating your objects of worship, I found also an erection on which had been inscribed: To God--unknown; whom, therefore--not knowing--ye do worship, this One I announce to you.
24 `God, who did make the world, and all things in it, this One, of heaven and of earth being Lord, in temples made with hands doth not dwell,
25 neither by the hands of men is He served--needing anything, He giving to all life, and breath, and all things;
26 He made also of one blood every nation of men, to dwell upon all the face of the earth-- having ordained times before appointed, and the bounds of their dwellings--
27 to seek the Lord, if perhaps they did feel after Him and find, --though, indeed, He is not far from each one of us,
28 for in Him we live, and move, and are; as also certain of your poets have said: For of Him also we are offspring.
29 `Being, therefore, offspring of God, we ought not to think the Godhead to be like to gold, or silver, or stone, graving of art and device of man;