16 for I will shew him how many things it behoveth him for My name to suffer.'
17 And Ananias went away, and did enter into the house, and having put upon him [his] hands, said, `Saul, brother, the Lord hath sent me--Jesus who did appear to thee in the way in which thou wast coming--that thou mayest see again, and mayest be filled with the Holy Spirit.'
18 And immediately there fell from his eyes as it were scales, he saw again also presently, and having risen, was baptized,
19 and having received nourishment, was strengthened, and Saul was with the disciples in Damascus certain days,
20 and immediately in the synagogues he was preaching the Christ, that he is the Son of God.
21 And all those hearing were amazed, and said, `Is not this he who laid waist in Jerusalem those calling on this name, and hither to this intent had come, that he might bring them bound to the chief priests?'
22 And Saul was still more strengthened, and he was confounding the Jews dwelling in Damascus, proving that this is the Christ.