15 I feed My flock, and cause them to lie down, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.
16 The lost I seek, and the driven away bring back, And the broken I bind up, and the sick I strengthen, And the fat and the strong I destroy, I feed it with judgment.
17 And you, My flock, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am judging between sheep and sheep, Between rams and he-goats.
18 Is it a little thing for you--the good pasture ye enjoy, And the remnant of your pasture ye tread down with your feet, And a depth of waters ye do drink, And the remainder with your feet ye trample,
19 And My flock the trodden thing of your feet consumeth, And the trampled thing of your feet drinketh?
20 Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah to them: Lo, I--even I, have judged between fat sheep and lean sheep.
21 Because with side and with shoulder ye thrust away, And with your horns push all the diseased, Till ye have scattered them to the out-place,