1 Help, Lord, because the godly are all gone;the faithful have completely disappearedfrom the human race!
2 Everyone tells lies to everyone else;they talk with slick speech and divided hearts.
3 Let the Lord cut off all slick-talking lipsand every tongue that brags and brags,
4 that says, "We’re unbeatable with our tongues!Who could get the best of us with lips like ours?"
5 But the Lord says,"Because the poor are oppressed,because of the groans of the needy,I’m now standing up.I will provide the help they are gasping for."
6 The Lord’s promises are pure,like silver that’s been refined in an oven,purified seven times over!
7 You, Lord, will keep us,protecting us from this generation forever.
8 The wicked roam all over the place,while depravity is praised by human beings.