20 Among brothers and sisters,their leader is honored,and those who fear the Lordare honored in his sight.
22 The rich, the heroes, and the poor—their pride is the fear of the Lord.
23 It’s not right to dishonorsomeone who is intelligent but poor,and it’s not proper to give gloryto a sinful person.
24 The official, the judge, and the rulerwill be glorified,but none of them are greaterthan the one who fears the Lord.
25 Free people will serve the wise personwho has been enslaved,and a knowledgeable personwon’t complain.
26 Don’t show off your wisdomwhen you do your work,and don’t magnify yourselfwhen you have difficulties.
27 Those who work and have what they needin abundance are betterthan those who walk aroundglorifying themselves but lack bread.