17 God will never ignore an orphan’s plea,nor that of a widowwhen she pours out a complaint.
18 Don’t a widow’s tears fall downon her cheek,
19 and isn’t her plea against the onewho caused her tears?
20 Those who serve with goodwillwill be accepted,and their prayer will reach to the clouds.
21 The prayer of the humble passesthrough the clouds,and it will never stopuntil it draws near to God.It will never withdrawuntil the Most High takes notice,
22 gives justice for the righteous,and executes judgment.Indeed, the Lord will never delay,nor will he be patient with themuntil he crushes the powerof the unmerciful,
23 until he exacts vengeanceon the nations,until he removes the multitudeof abusive peopleand shatters the authorityof the unrighteous,