2 Just as the fat is separatedfrom the offering of well-being,so David was set apartfrom the Israelites.
3 He played with lionsas if they were young goats,and with bearsas if they were lambs from the flock.
4 Didn’t he kill a giant in his youthand take away disgrace from the people,when he raised his hand with a stone shot from a slingand struck downthe arrogant Goliath?
5 David called upon the Lord Most High,and the Lord gave strengthto his strong armto do away with a mighty warrior,to assert the power of his people.
6 For this, they glorified himin throngs of thousands.They praised him,calling down the Lord’s blessings,when they brought hima glorious crown.
7 David destroyed his enemieson every side,and he despised the Philistines,his adversaries;he shattered their power,which has never recovered.
8 In everything he did, he gave thanksto the holy one, the Most High,with glorious words.He sang hymns with all his heart,and he loved his maker.