3 In his time, he dug out a storage basinfor water,a reservoir with a circumferencelike a lake’s.
4 He gave forethought to keepinghis people from disaster,and he strengthened the cityagainst sieges.
5 How glorious he was as the people thronged around himwhen he came out from behindthe curtain and left the temple!
6 Like a morning starin the midst of a cloud,like the full moon at the time of a feast,
7 like the sun shiningon the temple of the Most High,like a rainbow gleamingin glorious clouds,
8 like a rose blossom in springtime,like lilies by streams of water,like a fresh shoot of the incense treein the summertime,
9 like fire and incensein an incense burner,like an object of hammered goldadorned with all sortsof precious stones,