9 Edom's streams will turn into tarand its soil into sulphur—then the whole countrywill go up in flames.
10 It will burn night and dayand never stop smoking.Edom will be a desert,generation after generation;no one will ever travelthrough that land.
11 Owls, hawks, and wild animalswill make it their home.God will leave it in ruins,merely a pile of rocks.
12 Edom will be called“Kingdom of Nothing”.Its rulers will also be nothing.
13 Its palaces and fortresseswill be covered with thorns;only wolves and ostricheswill make their home there.
14 Wildcats and hyenaswill hunt together,demons will scream to demons,and creatures of the nightwill live among the ruins.
15 Owls will nest thereto raise their youngamong its shadows,while families of vulturescircle around.