24 You let your officialsinsult me, the Lord.And here is what youhave said about yourself,“I led my chariotsto the highest heightsof Lebanon's mountains.I went deep into its forest,cutting down the best cedarand cypress trees.
25 I dried up every streamin the land of Egypt,and I drank waterfrom wells I had dug.”
26 Sennacherib, now listento me, the Lord.I planned all this long ago.And you don't even knowthat I alone am the onewho decided that youwould do these things.I let you make ruinsof fortified cities.
27 Their people became weak,terribly confused.They were like wild flowersor like tender young grassgrowing on a flat roofor like a field of grainbefore it matures.
28 I know all about you,even how fiercely angryyou are with me.
29 I have seen your prideand the tremendous hatredyou have for me.Now I will put a hookin your nose,a bit in your mouth,then I will send you backto where you came from.
30 Hezekiah, I will tell you what's going to happen. This year you will eat crops that grow on their own, and the next year you will eat whatever springs up where those crops grew. But the third year, you will plant grain and vineyards, and you will eat what you harvest.