22 I, the Lord, said to Israel:You have become weary,but not from worshipping me.
23 You have not honoured meby sacrificing sheepor other animals.And I have not burdened youwith demands for sacrificesor sweet-smelling incense.
24 You have not broughtdelicious spices for meor given me the best partof your sacrificed animals.Instead, you burden me downwith your terrible sins.
25 But I wipe away your sinsbecause of who I am.And so, I will forgetthe wrongs you have done.
26 Meet me in court!State your case and provethat you are right.
27 Your earliest ancestorand all your leadersrebelled against me.
28 That's why I don't allowyour priests to serve me;I let Israel be destroyedand your people disgraced.