17 Afterwards, he bows downto worship the wooden idol.“Protect me!” he says.“You are my god.”
18 Those who worship idols are stupid and blind!
19 They don't have enough sense to say to themselves, “I made a fire with half of the wood and cooked my bread and meat on it. Then I made something worthless with the other half. Why worship a block of wood?”
20 How can anyone be stupid enough to trust something that can be burnt to ashes? No one can save themselves like that. Don't they realize that the idols they hold in their hands are not really gods?
21 People of Israel,you are my servant,so remember all of this.Israel, I created you,and you are my servant.I won't forget you.
22 Turn back to me!I have rescued youand swept away your sinsas though they were clouds.
23 Tell the heavens and the earthto start singing!Tell the mountainsand every tree in the forestto join in the song!The Lord has rescued his people;now they will worship him.