6 I am the Lord All-Powerful,the first and the last,the one and only God.Israel, I have rescued you!I am your King.
7 Can anyone compare with me?If so, let them speak upand tell me now.Let them say what has happenedsince I made my nationlong ago,and let them tellwhat is going to happen.
8 Don't tremble with fear!Didn't I tell you long ago?Didn't you hear me?I alone am God—no one else is a mighty rock.
9 Those people who make idolsare nothing themselves,and the idols they treasureare just as worthless.Worshippers of idols are blind,stupid, and foolish.
10 Why make an idol or an imagethat can't do a thing?
11 Everyone who makes idolsand all who worship themare mere humans,who will end upsadly disappointed.Let them face me in courtand be terrified.
12 A metalworker shapes an idolby using a hammerand heat from the fire.In his powerful handhe holds a hammer,as he pounds the metalinto the proper shape.But he gets hungry and thirstyand loses his strength.