16 Come closer and listen!I have never kept secretthe things I have said,and I was herebefore time began.By the power of his Spiritthe Lord God has sent me
17 with this message:People of Israel,I am the holy Lord God,the one who rescues you.For your own good,I teach you, and I lead youalong the right path.
18 How I wish that youhad obeyed my commands!Your success and good fortunewould then have overflowedlike a flooding river.
19 Your nation would be blessedwith more peoplethan there are grains of sandalong the seashore.And I would never have letyour country be destroyed.
20 Now leave Babylon!Celebrate as you go.Be happy and shoutfor everyone to hear,“The Lord has rescuedhis servant Israel!
21 He led us through the desertand made water flow from a rockto satisfy our thirst.
22 But the Lord has promisedthat none who are evilwill live in peace.”