6 Now the Lord says to me,“It isn't enough for youto be merely my servant.You must do more than lead backsurvivors from the tribesof Israel.I have placed you here as a lightfor other nations;you must take my saving powerto everyone on earth.”
7 Israel, I am the holy Lord God,the one who rescues you.You are slaves of rulersand of a nationwho despises you.Now this is what I promise:kings and rulers will honour youby kneeling at your feet.You can trust me! I am your Lord,the holy God of Israel,and you are my chosen ones.
8 This is what the Lord says:I will answer your prayersbecause I have set a timewhen I will helpby coming to save you.I have chosen youto take my promise of hopeto other nations.You will rebuild the countryfrom its ruins,then people will comeand settle there.
9 You will set prisoners freefrom dark dungeonsto see the light of day.On their way home,they will find plenty to eat,even on barren hills.
10 They won't go hungryor get thirsty;they won't be botheredby the scorching sunor hot desert winds.I will be mercifulwhile leading them alongto streams of water.
11 I will level the mountainsand make roads.
12 Then my people will returnfrom distant landsin the north and the westand from the city of Syene.