3 You people are unfaithful!You go to fortune-tellers,and you worship idols.Now pay close attention!
4 Who are you making fun of?Who are you sneering at?Look how your sinshave made fools of you.
5 All you think about is sexunder those green treeswhere idols are worshipped.You sacrifice your childrenon altars built in valleysunder rocky slopes.
6 You have chosen to worshipidols made of stone;you have given them offeringsof wine and grain.Should I be pleased?
7 You have spread out your bedson the tops of high mountains,where you sacrifice to idols.
8 Even in your homesyou have placed pagan symbolsall around your huge beds.Yes, you have rejected me,sold yourselves to your lovers,and gone to bed with them.
9 You smear on olive oiland all kinds of perfumeto worship the god Molech.You even seek advicefrom spirits of the dead.