1 Shout the message!Don't hold back.Say to my people Israel:You've sinned! You've turnedagainst the Lord.
2 Day after day, you worship himand seem eager to learnhis teachings.You act like a nationthat wants to do rightby obeying his laws.You ask him about justice,and say you enjoyworshipping the Lord.
3 You wonder why the Lordpays no attentionwhen you go without eatingand act humble.But on those same daysthat you give up eating,you think only of yourselvesand abuse your workers.
4 You even get angryand ready to fight.No wonder God won't listento your prayers!
5 Do you think the Lordwants you to give up eatingand to act as humbleas a bent over bush?Or to dress in sackclothand sit in ashes?Is this really what he wantson a day of worship?