15 I, the Lord God, promiseto see that you are killedand that my chosen servants useyour names as curse words.But I will give new namesto my servants.
16 I am God! I can be trusted.Your past troubles are gone;I no longer think of them.When you pray for someoneto receive a blessing,or when you make a promise,you must do it in my name.I alone am the Godwho can be trusted.
17 I am creating new heavensand a new earth;everything of the pastwill be forgotten.
18 Celebrate and be glad for ever!I am creating a Jerusalem,full of happy people.
19 I will celebrate with Jerusalemand all its people;there will be no more cryingor sorrow in that city.
20 No child will die in infancy;everyone will liveto a ripe old age.Anyone a hundred years oldwill be considered young,and to die younger than thatwill be considered a curse.
21 My people will livein the houses they build;they will enjoy grapesfrom their own vineyards.