1 Most beautiful of women,tell us where he has gone.Let us help you find him.
2 My darling has gone downto his garden of spices,where he will feed his sheepand gather lilies.
3 I am his, and he is mine,as he feeds his sheepamong the lilies.
4 My dearest, the cities of Tirzahand Jerusalemare not as lovely as you.Your charms are more powerfulthan all the starsin the heavens.
5 Turn away your eyes—they make me melt.Your hair tosses aboutas gracefully as goatscoming down from Gilead.
6 Your teeth are whiterthan sheep freshly washed;they match perfectly,not one is missing.
7 Behind your veil are hiddenbeautiful rosy cheeks.
8 What if I could havesixty queens, eighty wives,and thousands of others!
9 You would be my only choice,my flawless dove,the favourite childof your mother.The young women, the queens,and all the otherstell how excited you areas they sing your praises:
10 “You are as majesticas the morning sky—glorious as the moon—blinding as the sun!Your charms are more powerfulthan all the stars above.”
11 I went down to see if blossomswere on the walnut trees,grapevines, and fruit trees.
12 But in my imaginationI was suddenly ridingon a glorious chariot.
13 Dance! Dance!Beautiful woman from Shulam,let us see you dance!Why do you want to seethis woman from Shulamdancing with the others?