1 I am the Lord All-Powerful,
2 but you have arguedthat I am wrong.Now you must answer me.
3 Job said to the Lord:
4 Who am I to answer you?
5 I did speak once or twice,but never again.
6 Then out of the stormthe Lord said to Job:
7 Face me and answerthe questions I ask!
8 Are you trying to provethat you are innocentby accusing me of injustice?
9 Do you have a powerful armand a thundering voicethat compare with mine?
10 If so, then surround yourselfwith glory and majesty.*
11 Show your furious anger!Throw down and crush
12 all who are proud and evil.
13 Wrap them in grave clothesand bury them togetherin the dusty soil.
14 Do this, and I will agreethat you have wonthis argument.
15 I created both youand the hippopotamus.It eats only grass like an ox,
16 but look at the mighty musclesin its body
17 and legs.Its tail is like a cedar tree,and its thighs are thick.
18 The bones in its legsare like bronze or iron.
19 I made it more powerfulthan any other creature,yet I am stronger still.
20 Undisturbed, it eats grasswhile the other animalsplay nearby.*
21 It rests in the shade of treesalong the riverbank
22 or hides among reedsin the swamp.
23 It remains calm and unafraidwith the Jordan River rushingand splashing in its face.
24 There is no way to capturea hippopotamus—not even by hooking its noseor blinding its eyes.