1 When you are invitedto eat with a king,use your best manners.
2 Don't go and stuff yourself!That would be just the sameas cutting your throat.
3 Don't be greedy for allof that fancy food!It may not be so tasty.
4 Give up trying so hardto get rich.
5 Your money flies awaybefore you know it,just like an eaglesuddenly taking off.
6 Don't accept an invitationto eat a selfish person's food,no matter how good it is.
7 People like that take noteof how much you eat.They say, “Take all you want!”But they don't mean it.
8 Each bite will come back up,and all your kind wordswill be wasted.
9 Don't talk to fools—they will make fun of you.
10 Don't move a boundary markeror take the landthat belongs to orphans.
11 God All-Powerful is thereto defend them against you.
12 Listen to instructionand do your best to learn.
13 Don't fail to correctyour children.You won't kill themby being firm,
14 and it may evensave their lives.
15 My children,if you show good sense,I will be happy,
16 and if you are truthful,I will really be glad.
17 Don't be jealous of sinners,but always honor the Lord.
18 Then you will truly have hopefor the future.
19 Listen to me, my children!Be wise and have enough senseto follow the right path.
20 Don't be a heavy drinkeror stuff yourself with food.
21 It will make you feel drowsy,and you will end up poorwith only rags to wear.
22 Pay attention to your father,and don't neglect your motherwhen she grows old.
23 Invest in truth and wisdom,discipline and good sense,and don't part with them.
24 Make your father truly happyby living right and showingsound judgment.
25 Make your parents proud,especially your mother.
26 My son, pay close attention,and gladly followmy example.
27 Bad women and unfaithful wivesare like a deep pit—
28 they are waiting to attack youlike a gang of robberswith victim after victim.
29 Who is always in trouble?Who argues and fights?Who has cuts and bruises?Whose eyes are red?
30 Everyone who stays up late,having just one more drink.
31 Don't even lookat that colorful stuffbubbling up in the glass!It goes down so easily,
32 but later it biteslike a poisonous snake.
33 You will see weird things,and your mindwill play tricks on you.
34 You will feel tossed aboutlike someone trying to sleepon a ship in a storm.
35 You will be bruised all over,without even rememberinghow it all happened.And you will lie awake asking,“When will morning come,so I can drink some more?”