10 By leading good people to sin,you dig a pit for yourself,but all who live rightwill have a bright future.
11 The rich think highlyof themselves,but anyone poor and sensiblesees right through them.
12 When an honest person wins,it's time to celebrate;when crooks are in control,it's best to hide.
13 If you don't confess your sins,you will be a failure.But God will be mercifulif you confess your sinsand give them up.
14 The Lord blesses everyonewho is afraid to do evil,but if you are cruel,you will end up in trouble.
15 A ruler who mistreats the pooris like a roaring lionor a bear hunting for food.
16 A heartless leader is a fool,but anyone who refusesto get rich by cheating otherswill live a long time.