Tobit 10:10-13 CEVDCUS06

10 So Raguel immediately agreed to let Tobias leave with Sarah, and he gave Tobias half of everything he owned, including his slaves, his oxen and sheep, his donkeys and camels, and his clothing, money, and household things.

11 Then, before sending the two of them away with his blessing, he hugged Tobias and said, “Goodbye, my son. I hope you don't have any trouble along the way. And I now ask the Lord to make you and your wife successful and to bless you with children. I pray that I will see them before I die.”

12 After this, Raguel kissed Sarah and said, “My daughter, you must now go to live with your father-in-law and mother-in-law, because they are now as much your parents as your mother and I. You go with my blessing, but make sure that I always hear good things about you. Goodbye, my dear.”Then Raguel's wife Edna said, “Tobias, my son, I pray that the Lord will let you and Sarah return here before I die, so I may see my grandchildren. And, with God as my witness, I place my daughter Sarah in your care. Please don't ever cause her any sorrow. My son, I am your mother, and Sarah is your dear wife. I pray that God will always bless our family. Now I wish you a safe journey.” Then she kissed them both and said goodbye.

13 As Tobias was leaving, he was so happy that he shouted:“I praise the Lordof heaven and earth,the King of all creation,who made my trip successful.Raguel and Edna,I will show you proper respectfor as long as I live.”Then he told them goodbye.