Tobit 12 CEVDCUS06

The Angel Raphael's Advice

1 After the wedding celebration, I called in Tobias and said, “My son, it's time to pay the man who went with you, and he deserves a bonus.”

2 Tobias answered, “How much should I give him? We could give him half of what I brought back, and we would still have plenty for ourselves.

3 After all, he got me back home safely, he healed my wife, he brought back the silver coins to you, and he healed you. So how much should I give him as a bonus?”

4 “My son,” I replied, “he deserves to get half of everything he brought back.”

5 Tobias called in Raphael and said, “You have earned half of everything you brought back. And now it's time for us to say goodbye.”

6 Then Raphael spoke to Tobias and me in private and said:“Be sure to praise and honor God by telling everyone the good things he has done for you. Celebrate God's name with praises and with songs, and don't ever hesitate to tell others about him.

7 Don't tell anyone the secrets of a king, but honor God by letting others know what he has done for you.“If you do what is right, nothing bad will happen to you.

8 It is good to pray sincerely. And it is better to be honest and generous to the poor than to be wealthy, but dishonest. You are better off giving to the poor than getting lots of gold,

9 because giving to the poor saves you from death and washes away every sin. People who are generous to the poor will have a full life,

10 but people who sin and are dishonest are actually harming themselves.”

Raphael Tells Tobit and Tobias Who He Is

11 Raphael said to Tobias and me:“Now I will tell you the whole truth about everything that has happened. In fact, I have already hinted at it when I said, ‘Don't tell anyone the secrets of a king, but honor God by letting others know what he has done for you.’

12 Tobit, when you and Sarah prayed, I was the one who presented your prayers to the glorious God, and when you buried the dead, I told God what you had done.

13 When you left the banquet to bury that man who had been murdered,

14 God sent me to test you, and he also sent me to heal you and to help your daughter-in-law Sarah.

15 I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand in the presence of the glorious God.”

16 Tobias and I were so terribly frightened that we fell face down.

17 But Raphael said:“Don't worry! Just remember to always praise God.

18 Don't give me the credit; it was God who did all of this. That's why you must sing praises to God every day.

19 When you thought you saw me eating and drinking, it only seemed that way.

20 So praise God and thank him for as long as you live. Now I will return to the one who sent me, and I command you to write down everything that has happened to you. Then Raphael went up into heaven.”

21 Tobias and I stood up, but we could no longer see Raphael.

22 Then we began singing praises to God because of the great things he had done, especially for sending the angel to us.


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