Tobit 7:11-16 CEVDCUS06

11 I have already let Sarah marry seven of my relatives, and each one of them died when he went into the bedroom to sleep with her. So now, Tobias, eat and drink, and the Lord will help you.”But Tobias replied, “I won't eat or drink anything until you make this marriage official.”“Then I will make it official right now!” Raguel said. “Tobias, I give my daughter Sarah to you as your wife according to the laws in the Book of Moses. God himself wanted you to marry her, and from this moment you will forever be husband and wife. I pray that the Lord of Heaven will bless the two of you tonight, and that he will be merciful and give you peace.”

12 Raguel sent for his daughter, and when she came, he took her by the hand and led her over to Tobias. Then he said, “Tobias, Sarah is now your wife in keeping with the laws and teachings of the Book of Moses. Make sure that she arrives unharmed at your father's home, and I will pray that the God of Heaven will keep you safe as you travel.”

13 Raguel asked his wife Edna to bring him something to write on, and he wrote out a contract stating that Sarah was married to Tobias according to the Law of Moses.

14 Then they all ate and drank.

15 Afterwards, Raguel said, “Edna, please get the other bedroom ready and take Sarah there.”

16 So Edna made the bed and brought Sarah to the room. Edna wept for her daughter, then she wiped away the tears and said, “Don't worry, Sarah! Cheer up, because the God of Heaven will soon turn your sorrow into joy.” Then Edna left.