Job 29 GNBDC

Job's Final Statement of his Case

1 Job began speaking again.

2 If only my life could once againbe as it was when God watched over me.

3 God was always with me thenand gave me light as I walked through the darkness.

4 Those were the days when I was prosperous,and the friendship of God protected my home.

5 Almighty God was with me then,and I was surrounded by all my children.

6 My cows and goats gave plenty of milk,and my olive trees grew in the rockiest soil.

7 Whenever the city elders metand I took my place among them,

8 young men stepped aside as soon as they saw me,and old men stood up to show me respect.

9 The leaders of the people would stop talking;

10 even the most important men kept silent.

11 Everyone who saw me or heard of mehad good things to say about what I had done.

12 When the poor cried out, I helped them;I gave help to orphans who had nowhere to turn.

13 Those who were in deepest misery praised me,and I helped widows find security.

14 I have always acted justly and fairly.

15 I was eyes for the blind,and feet for the lame.

16 I was like a father to the poorand took the side of strangers in trouble.

17 I destroyed the power of cruel menand rescued their victims.

18 I always expected to live a long lifeand to die at home in comfort.

19 I was like a tree whose roots always have waterand whose branches are wet with dew.

20 Everyone was always praising me,and my strength never failed me.

21 When I gave advice, people were silentand listened carefully to what I said;

22 they had nothing to add when I had finished.My words sank in like drops of rain;

23 everyone welcomed themjust as farmers welcome rain in spring.

24 I smiled on them when they had lost confidence;my cheerful face encouraged them.


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