1 The Lord is my light and the one who saves me.So why should I fear anyone?The Lord protects my life.So why should I be afraid?
2 Evil people may try to destroy my body.My enemies and those who hate me attack me.But they are overwhelmed and defeated.
3 If an army surrounds me,I will not be afraid.If war breaks out,I will trust the Lord.
4 I ask only one thing from the Lord.This is what I want:Let me live in the Lord’s houseall my life.Let me see the Lord’s beauty.Let me look around in his Temple.
5 During danger he will keep me safe in his shelter.He will hide me in his Holy Tent.Or he will keep me safe on a high mountain.
6 My head is higherthan my enemies around me.I will offer joyful sacrifices in his Holy Tent.I will sing and praise the Lord.
7 Lord, hear me when I call.Be kind and answer me.
8 My heart said of you, “Go, worship him.”So I come to worship you, Lord.
9 Do not turn away from me.Do not turn your servant away in anger.You have helped me.Do not push me away or leave me alone,God, my Savior.
10 If my father and mother leave me,the Lord will take me in.
11 Lord, teach me your ways.Guide me to do what is rightbecause I have enemies.
12 Do not let my enemies defeat me.They tell lies about me.They say they will hurt me.
13 I truly believeI will live to see the Lord’s goodness.
14 Wait for the Lord’s help.Be strong and braveand wait for the Lord’s help.