Job 4 NCV

Eliphaz Speaks

1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered:

2 “If someone tried to speak with you, would you be upset?I cannot keep from speaking.

3 Think about the many people you have taughtand the weak hands you have made strong.

4 Your words have comforted those who fell,and you have strengthened those who could not stand.

5 But now trouble comes to you, and you are discouraged;trouble hits you, and you are terrified.

6 You should have confidence because you respect God;you should have hope because you are innocent.

7 “Remember that the innocent will not die;honest people will never be destroyed.

8 I have noticed that people who plow eviland plant trouble, harvest it.

9 God’s breath destroys them,and a blast of his anger kills them.

10 Lions may roar and growl,but when the teeth of a strong lion are broken,

11 that lion dies of hunger.The cubs of the mother lion are scattered.

12 “A word was brought to me in secret,and my ears heard a whisper of it.

13 It was during a nightmarewhen people are in deep sleep.

14 I was trembling with fear;all my bones were shaking.

15 A spirit glided past my face,and the hair on my body stood on end.

16 The spirit stopped,but I could not see what it was.A shape stood before my eyes,and I heard a quiet voice.

17 It said, ‘Can a human be more right than God?Can a person be pure before his maker?

18 God does not trust his angels;he blames them for mistakes.

19 So he puts even more blame on people who live in clay houses,whose foundations are made of dust,who can be crushed like a moth.

20 Between dawn and sunset many people are broken to pieces;without being noticed, they die and are gone forever.

21 The ropes of their tents are pulled up,and they die without wisdom.’


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