1 Lord, listen to my words.Understand my sadness.
2 Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God,because I pray to you.
3 Lord, every morning you hear my voice.Every morning, I tell you what I need,and I wait for your answer.
4 You are not a God who is pleased with the wicked;you do not live with those who do evil.
5 Those people who make fun of you cannot stand before you.You hate all those who do evil.
6 You destroy liars;the Lord hates those who kill and trick others.
7 Because of your great love,I can come into your Temple.Because I fear and respect you,I can worship in your holy Temple.
8 Lord, since I have many enemies,show me the right thing to do.Show me clearly how you want me to live.
9 My enemies’ mouths do not tell the truth;in their hearts they want to destroy others.Their throats are like open graves;they use their tongues for telling lies.
10 God, declare them guilty!Let them fall into their own traps.Send them away because their sins are many;they have turned against you.
11 But let everyone who trusts you be happy;let them sing glad songs forever.Protect those who love youand who are happy because of you.
12 Lord, you bless those who do what is right;you protect them like a soldier’s shield.