2 I was silent and kept quiet. I didn't even say anything good. But the pain inside me grew worse.
3 My heart was deeply troubled. As I thought about what was happening to me, I became even more troubled. Then I spoke out.
4 I said, "Lord, show me when my life will end. Show me how many days I have left. Tell me how short my life will be.
5 You have given me only a few days to live. My whole life doesn't seem like anything to you. No man's life lasts any longer than a breath. Selah
6 People are only shadows as they go here and there. They rush around, but it doesn't mean anything. They pile up wealth, but they don't know who will get it.
7 "Lord, what can I look forward to now? You are the only hope I have.
8 Save me from all the wrong things I've done. Don't let foolish people make fun of me.