11 Lord, you are like a shield that keeps us safe. Don't kill my enemies all at once. If you do, my people will forget about it. Use your power to make my enemies wander around. Destroy them.
12 They have sinned with their mouths. Their lips have spoken evil words. They have called down a curse on me and lied. Let them be caught in their pride.
13 Burn them up in your anger. Burn them up until there isn't anything left of them. Then everyone from one end of the earth to the other will know that God rules over the people of Jacob. Selah
14 My enemies are like a pack of barking dogs that come back into the city in the evening. They prowl around the city.
15 They wander around looking for food. They groan if they don't find something that will satisfy them.
16 But I will sing about your strength. In the morning I will sing about your love. You are like a fort to me. You keep me safe in times of trouble.