1 This is what the Master יהוה showed me, and see, a basket of summer fruit.
2 And He said, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A basket of summer fruit.” And יהוה said to me, “The end has come upon my people Yisra’ĕl, no longer do I pardon them.
3 “And the songs of the hĕḵal shall be wailing in that day,” declares the Master יהוה, “many dead bodies everywhere, thrown into any place – hush!”
4 Hear this, you who are swallowing up the needy, to do away with the poor of the land,
5 saying, “When does the New Moon pass so that we sell grain, and the Sabbath so that we trade our wheat, to make the ĕphah small and the sheqel large, and to falsify the scales by deceit,
6 to buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals, and sell the chaff of the wheat?”
7 יהוה has sworn by the Excellency of Ya‛aqoḇ, “I shall never forget any of their works.
8 “Shall the land not tremble for this, and everyone mourn who dwells in it? And all of it shall swell like the River, heave and subside like the River of Mitsrayim.
9 “And it shall be in that day,” declares the Master יהוה, “that I shall cause the sun to go down at noon, and shall darken the earth on a day of brightness,
10 and shall turn your festivals into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation, and bring sackcloth on all loins, and baldness on every head, and shall make it like mourning for an only son, and its end like a day of bitterness.
11 “See, days are coming,” declares the Master יהוה, “that I shall send a hunger in the land, not a hunger for bread, nor a thirst for water, but for hearing the Words of יהוה.
12 “And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east – they shall diligently search, seeking the Word of יהוה, but they shall not find it.
13 “In that day the pretty maidens and strong young men shall faint from thirst,
14 those swearing by the guilt of Shomeron, who say, ‘As your mighty one lives, O Dan!’ and, ‘As the way of Be’ĕrsheḇa lives!’ And they shall fall and never rise again.”