1 My hopes have died,my time is up,and the grave is ready.
2 All I can see are angry crowds,making fun of me.
3 If you, Lord, don't help,who will pay the pricefor my release?
4 My friends won't really listen,all because of you,and so you must be the oneto prove them wrong.
5 They have condemned me,just to benefit themselves;now blind their children.
6 You, God, are the reasonI am insulted and spat on.
7 I am almost blind with grief;my body is a mere shadow.
8 People who are truly goodwould feel so alarmed,that they would become angrywith my worthless friends.
9 They would do the right thingand because they did,they would grow stronger.
10 But none of my friendsshow any sense.
11 My life is drawing to an end;hope has disappeared.
12 But all my friends can dois offer empty hopes.
13 I could tell the world belowto prepare me a bed.
14 Then I could greet the graveas my fatherand say to the worms,“Hello, mother and sisters!”
15 But what kind of hope is that?
16 Will it keep me companyin the world of the dead?