Job 30 CEVUK00

Job continues

1 Young people now insult me,although their fatherswould have been a disgraceto my sheep dogs.

2 And those who insult meare helpless themselves.

3 They must claw the desert sandin the dark for somethingto satisfy their hunger.

4 They gather tasteless shrubsfor food and firewood,

5 and they are driven out of towns,as though they were thieves.

6 Their only homes are ditchesor holes between rocks,

7 where they bray like donkeysgathering around shrubs.

8 And like senseless donkeysthey are chased away.

Those worthless nobodies

9 Those worthless nobodiesmake up jokes and songsto disgrace me.

10 They are hatefuland keep their distance,even while spittingin my direction.

11 God has destroyed me,and so they don't carewhat they do.

12 Their attacks never stop,though I am defenceless,and my feet are trapped.

13 Without any help,they prevent my escape,destroying me completely

14 and leaving me crushed.

15 Terror has me surrounded;my reputation and my richeshave vanished like a cloud.

I am sick at heart

16 I am sick at heart!Pain has taken its toll.

17 Night chews on my bones,causing endless torment,

18 and God has shrunk my skin,choking me to death.

19 I have been thrown in the dirtand now am dirt myself.

20 I beg God for help,but there is no answer;and when I stand up,he simply stares.

21 God has turned brutal,

22 stirring up a stormto toss me about.

23 Soon he will send me hometo the world of the dead,where we all must go.

24 No one refuses help to others,when disaster strikes.

25 I mourned for the poorand those who suffered.

26 But when I beg for reliefand light,all I receive are disasterand darkness.

27 My stomach is tied in knots;pain is my daily companion.

28 Suffering has scorched my skin,and in the city councilI stand and cry out,

29 making mournful soundslike jackals and owls.

30 My skin is so parched,that it peels right off,and my bones are burning.

31 My only songs are sorrowand sadness.


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