16 The mighty Lord All-Powerful will send a terrible disease to strike down your army, and you will burn with fever under your royal robes.
17 The holy God, who is the light of Israel, will turn into a fire, and in one day you will go up in flames, just like a thornbush.
18 The Lord will make your beautiful forests and fertile fields slowly rot.
19 There will be so few trees that even a young child can count them.
20 A time is coming when the survivors from Israel and Judah will completely depend on the holy Lord of Israel, instead of the nation that defeated them.
21-22 There were as many people as there are grains of sand along the seashore, but only a few will survive to come back to Israel's mighty God. This is because he has threatened to destroy their nation, just as they deserve.
23 The Lord All-Powerful has promised that everyone on this earth will be punished.