Isaiah 57 CEVDCUS06

God's Faithful People Suffer

1 God's faithful peopleare dragged off and killed,and no one even cares.Evil sweeps them away,

2 but in death they find peacefor obeying God.

The Lord Condemns Idolatry

3 You people are unfaithful!You go to fortunetellers,and you worship idols.Now pay close attention!

4 Who are you making fun of?Who are you sneering at?Look how your sinshave made fools of you.

5 All you think about is sexunder those green treeswhere idols are worshiped.You sacrifice your childrenon altars built in valleysunder rocky slopes.

6 You have chosen to worshipidols made of stone;you have given them offeringsof wine and grain.Should I be pleased?

7 You have spread out your bedson the tops of high mountains,where you sacrifice to idols.

8 Even in your homesyou have placed pagan symbolsall around your huge beds.Yes, you have rejected me,sold yourselves to your lovers,and gone to bed with them.

9 You smear on olive oiland all kinds of perfumeto worship the god Molech.You even seek advicefrom spirits of the dead.

10 Though you tired yourself outby running after idols,you refused to stop.Your desires were so strongthat they kept you going.

11 Did you forget about meand become unfaithfulbecause you were more afraidof someone else?Have I been silent so longthat you no longer fear me?

12 You think you're so good,but I'll point out the truth.

13 Ask your idols to save youwhen you are in trouble.Be careful though—it takes only a faint breathto blow them over.But if you come to mefor protection,this land and my holy mountainwill always belong to you.

The Lord Helps the Helpless

14 The Lord says,“Clear the road!Get it ready for my people.”

15 Our holy God lives foreverin the highest heavens,and this is what he says:Though I live high abovein the holy place,I am here to help thosewho are humbleand depend only on me.

16 My people, I won't stay angryand keep on accusing you.After all, I am your Creator.I don't want you to give upin complete despair.

17 Your greed made me furious.That's why I punished youand refused to be found,while you kept returningto your old sinful ways.

18 I know what you are like!But I will heal you, lead you,and give you comfort,until those who are mourning

19 start singing my praises.No matter where you are,I, the Lord, will heal youand give you peace.

20 The wicked are a restless seatossing up mud.

21 But I, the Lord, have promisedthat none who are evilwill live in peace.