1 This is the message I was given about Judah and Jerusalem:
2 In the future, the mountainwith the Lord's templewill be the highest of all.It will reach above the hills;every nation will rush to it.
3 Many people will come and say,“Let's go to the mountainof the Lord God of Jacoband worship in his temple.”The Lord will teach us his Lawfrom Jerusalem,and we will obey him.
4 He will settle argumentsbetween nations.They will pound their swordsand their spearsinto rakes and shovels;they will never make waror attack one another.
5 People of Israel, let's liveby the light of the Lord.
6 Our Lord, you have desertedyour people, Israel,because they follow customsof nations from the east.They worship Philistine godsand are close friendsof foreigners.
7 They have endless treasuresof silver and gold;they have countless horsesand war chariots.