17 You may be powerful, but the Lord is about to snatch you up and throw you away.
18 He will roll you into a ball and throw you into a wide open country, where you will die and your chariots will be destroyed. You're a disgrace to those you serve.
19 The Lord is going to take away your job!
20-21 He will give your official robes and your authority to his servant Eliakim son of Hilkiah.Eliakim will be like a father to the people of Jerusalem and to the royal family of Judah.
22 The Lord will put him in charge of the key that belongs to King David's family. No one will be able to unlock what he locks, and no one will be able to lock what he unlocks.
23 The Lord will make him as firm in his position as a tent peg hammered in the ground, and Eliakim will bring honor to his family.
24 His children and relatives will be supported by him, like pans hanging from a peg on the wall.