14 Those enemies are now deadand can never live again.You have punished them—they are destroyed,completely forgotten.
15 Our nation has grownbecause of you, our Lord.We have more land than before,and you are honored.
16 When you punished our people,they turned and prayedto you, our Lord.
17 Because of what you did to us,we suffered like a womanabout to give birth.
18 But instead of having a child,our terrible painproduced only wind.We have won no victories,and we have no descendantsto take over the earth.
19 Your people will rise to life!Tell them to leave their gravesand celebrate with shouts.You refresh the earthlike morning dew;you give life to the dead.
20 Go inside and lock the doors,my people.Hide there for a little while,until the Lordis no longer angry.