13 The Lord has said:“These people praise mewith their words,but they never reallythink about me.They worship me by repeatingrules made up by humans.
14 So once again I will do thingsthat shock and amaze them,and I will destroy the wisdomof those who claim to knowand understand.”
15 You are in for trouble,if you try to hide your plansfrom the Lord!Or if you think what you doin the dark can't be seen.
16 You have it all backwards.A clay dish doesn't sayto the potter,“You didn't make me.You don't even know how.”
17 Soon the forest of Lebanonwill become a field with crops,thick as a forest.
18 The deaf will be able to hearwhatever is read to them;the blind will be freedfrom a life of darkness.
19 The poor and the needywill celebrate and shoutbecause of the Lord,the holy God of Israel.