9 The look on your faces showsthat you are sinful as Sodom,and you don't try to hide it.You are in for trouble,and you have brought it allon yourselves.
10 Tell those who obey God,“You're very fortunate—you will be rewardedfor what you have done.”
11 Tell those who disobey,“You're in big trouble—what you did to otherswill come back to you.”
12 Though you are God's people,you are ruled and abusedby women and children.You are confused by leaderswho guide youdown the wrong path.
13 The Lord is ready to accuseand judge all nations.
14 He will even judgeyou rulers and leadersof his own nation.You destroyed his vineyardand filled your housesby robbing the poor.
15 The Lord All-Powerful says,“You have crushed my peopleand rubbed in the dirtthe faces of the poor.”