23 The Lord will send rain to water the seeds you have planted—your fields will produce more crops than you need, and your cattle will graze in open pastures.
24 Even the oxen and donkeys that plow your fields will be fed the finest grain.
25 On that day people will be slaughtered and towers destroyed, but streams of water will flow from high hills and towering mountains.
26 Then the Lord will bandage his people's injuries and heal the wounds he has caused. The moon will shine as bright as the sun, and the sun will shine seven times brighter than usual. It will be like the light of seven days all at once.
27 The Lord is comingfrom far awaywith his fiery angerand thick clouds of smoke.His angry words flame uplike a destructive fire;
28 he breathes out a floodthat comes up to the neck.He sifts the nationsand destroys them.Then he puts a bridlein every foreigner's mouthand leads them to doom.
29 The Lord's people will sing as they do when they celebrate a religious festival at night. The Lord is Israel's mighty rock, and his people will be as happy as they are when they follow the sound of flutes to the mountain where he is worshiped.