9 They have turned against the Lord and can't be trusted. They have refused his teaching
10 and have said to his messengers and prophets:Don't tell us what God has shown you and don't preach the truth. Just say what we want to hear, even if it's false.
11 Stop telling us what God has said! We don't want to hear any more about the holy One of Israel.
12 Now this is the answerof the holy One of Israel:“You rejected my message,and you trust in violenceand lies.
13 This sin is like a crackthat makes a high wallquickly crumble
14 and shatterlike a crushed bowl.There's not a piece leftbig enough to carry hot coalsor to dip out water.”
15 The holy Lord God of Israelhad told all of you,“I will keep you safeif you turn back to meand calm down.I will make you strongif you quietly trust me.”Then you stubbornly