1 You are in for troubleif you go to Egypt for help,or if you depend onan army of chariotsor a powerful cavalry.Instead you should depend onand trust the holy Lord Godof Israel.
2 The Lord isn't stupid!He does what he promises,and he can bring doom.If you are cruel yourself,or help those who are evil,you will be destroyed.
3 The Egyptians are mere humans.They aren't God.Their horses are made of flesh;they can't live forever.When the Lord shows his power,he will destroy the Egyptiansand all who depend on them.Together they will fall.
4 The Lord All-Powerfulsaid to me,“I will roar and attacklike a fearless lionnot frightened by the shoutsof shepherds trying to protecttheir sheep.That's how I will come downand fight on Mount Zion.
5 I, the Lord All-Powerful,will protect Jerusalemlike a mother bird circlingover her nest.”