15 There's nothing I can sayin answer to you,since you are the onewho has done this to me.My life has turned sour;I will limp until I die.
16 Your words and your deedsbring life to everyone,including me.Please make me healthyand strong again.
17 It was for my own goodthat I had such hard times.But your love protected mefrom doom in the deep pit,and you turned your eyesaway from my sins.
18 No one in the world of the deadcan thank you or praise you;none of those in the deep pitcan hope for youto show themhow faithful you are.
19 Only the living can thank you,as I am doing today.Each generation tells the nextabout your faithfulness.
20 You, Lord, will save me,and every day that we livewe will sing in your templeto the musicof stringed instruments.
21 I had told King Hezekiah's servants to put some mashed figs on the king's open sore, and he would get well.