15 People of Israel,your God is a mystery,though he alone can save.
16 Anyone who makes idolswill be confusedand terribly disgraced.
17 But Israel, I, the Lord,will always keep you safeand free from shame.
18 The Lord alone is God!He created the heavensand made a worldwhere people can live,instead of creatingan empty desert.The Lord alone is God;there are no others.
19 The Lord did not speakin a dark secret placeor command Jacob's descendantsto search for him in vain.The Lord speaks the truth,and this is what he says
20 to every survivorfrom every nation:“Gather around me!Learn how senseless it isto worship wooden idolsor pray to helpless gods.
21 “Why don't you get togetherand meet me in court?Didn't I tell you long agowhat would happen?I am the only God!There are no others.I bring about justice,and have the power to save.