9 Jerusalem, rise from the ruins!Join in the singing.The Lord has given comfortto his people;he comes to your rescue.
10 The Lord has shown all nationshis mighty strength;now everyone will seethe saving power of our God.
11 Leave the city of Babylon!Don't touch anything filthy.Wash yourselves. Be readyto carry back everything sacredthat belongs to the Lord.
12 You won't need to run.No one is chasing you.The Lord God of Israelwill lead and protect youfrom enemy attacks.
13 The Lord says:My servant will succeed!He will be given great praiseand the highest honors.
14 Many were horrifiedat what happened to him.But everyone who saw himwas even more horrifiedbecause he suffered untilhe no longer looked human.
15 My servant will makenations worthy to worship me;kings will be silentas they bow in wonder.They will see and think aboutthings they have never seenor thought about before.