4 He suffered and enduredgreat pain for us,but we thought his sufferingwas punishment from God.
5 He was wounded and crushedbecause of our sins;by taking our punishment,he made us completely well.
6 All of us were like sheepthat had wandered off.We had each gone our own way,but the Lord gave himthe punishment we deserved.
7 He was painfully abused,but he did not complain.He was silent like a lambbeing led to the butcher,as quiet as a sheephaving its wool cut off.
8 He was condemned to deathwithout a fair trial.Who could have imaginedwhat would happen to him?His life was taken awaybecause of the sinful thingsmy people had done.
9 He wasn't dishonest or violent,but he was buried in a tombamong cruel, rich people.
10 The Lord decided his servantwould suffer as a sacrificeto take away the sinand guilt of others.Now the servant will liveto see his own descendants.He did everythingthe Lord had planned.